Breeder of third generation Minuet and Minuet Tall cats, the pride of cat lovers, and the kings and queens of the cat world.

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Tiny Lions Napoleons

Clawed Lemieux’s Past Litters

Clawed Lemieux (Claude) is our own stud and we are very proud of him. He is a chocolate mackerel tabby and white long hair Minuet (short). He is a Supreme-Grand Champion in TICA and achieved many awards before we retired him from showing because he became more interested in girls than proving how beautiful he is. He is a loving boy and has a wonderful personality. He produces some amazing babies, which you can see and judge for yourself below. These are only the babies he had for us. We loaned him to Lynn Brown, of 406Paws Cattery in Montana to breed with her girls a couple of times.

First Litter, born June 5, 2017

Leo, on the left, and Ceviche, on the right, are two of Claude’s first litter. Their mother is Lady Bing and they are also her second live litter. Leo is a long-haired brown classic tabby and white like his mother. Ceviche is a long-haired brown classic tabby with white as well. He is an odd-eye cat, meaning he has one blue eye. Both are Minuet Talls

Second Litter, born September 28, 2017

Cleo, on the left, and Duchess, on the right, are Claude and Bing’s second litter.  Cleo is a brown classic tabby and white short girl and Duchess is a brown classic tabby and white Minuet Tall girl.  Duchess looks a lot like her dad. Cleo is going to look just like her mom.  

We call Duchess Mizzy 2.0 because she is a super-energetic kitten. Cleo just wants to snuggle with people and love them, although she enjoys playtime just as much as Duchess does.

Duchess showed in Household Pet in TICA in 2020 and became the 2nd Best Household Pet Internationally.  Way to go, Duchess!

Third Litter, born May 17, 2018

Otis, to the left, was the only kitten from Claude’s third litter with Lady Bing. Being the only kitten in the litter, Otis was cherished dearly. We thought there might be a problem with him learning to socialize being that he was an only kitten, but that didn’t happen at all. He was soooo interested in loving people and other cats that he became such a darling. Milo’s parents (one of Bing and Riddler’s kittens) waited anxiously to take him home as their second Minuet. He is a brown classic tabby and white short.

Fourth Litter, born September 6, 2018

Claude’s fourth litter was his first one with Ellie (Gabrielle Landesclaw). Teddy (left) was the very first kitten and he’s a hyperactive chocolate smoke bi-color solid, Claude’s first non-agouti kitten (non-tabby). S’more (immediate right) is an energetic chocolate silver shaded mackerel tabby. Vincent (far right) is also a chocolate silver shaded mackerel tabby, and he’ll look just like his mom. All three kittens are shorts.

Fifth Litter, born September 14, 2018

Bing and Claude’s fourth litter was another small one, which we love having. Vena (left) is a brown classic tabby and white girl and is the sweetest little kitten you could want. She is the exact replica of her mom. To the right is Mochi, a kooky little boy who loves to play. He, too, is a brown classic tabby and white. Both are shorts.

Sixth Litter, born February 16, 2019

Bing and Claude’s fifth litter were three short babies, two boys and a girl. From left to right are Toby, May, and Smudge, and each is a brown classic tabby and white. Toby is our nurturer, while May is the daredevil, and Smudge is the class clown.

May went home to a new breeder in California. As of this writing, May has had her first litter.

Seventh Litter, born February 28, 2019

Claude’s seventh litter was with Ellie (Gabrielle Landesclaw), which was their second litter together. There were two short boys. To the left is Pillow, a chocolate mackerel tabby and white.  To the right is Neko, a silver shaded mackerel tabby and white, just like his mom.  These little guys are doll babies. They grew up with Toby, May, and Smudge (above) and had an extended family.

Pillow went home to a new breeder in California to breed Scottish Kilts. As of this writing, Pillow had a successful litter of four kittens.  Three of those kittens were Scottish Kilts!  What an incredible surprise.

Eighth Litter, born October 9, 2019

Claude’s eighth litter was with the love of his life, Lady Bing. Magic happened to create these three beautiful boys. From left to right, there was our tall boy, Grey, and two shorts, Gizmo and Rolow. All three are the typical brown classic tabby and whites that Bing and Claude produce, but also having that precocious, and lovable personalities.

Ninth Litter, born March 7, 2020

Claude’s ninth litter was his last litter with Bing. She was going to be five years old, so we decided it was time to get her spayed and give her a life of relaxation with us. For her parting gift, she gave us five kittens, although sadly, one did not thrive. Still, four beautiful brown classic tabbies and white kittens completed her career of breeding with Tiny Lions Napoleons. She had Aloo, a short girl; Sushi Girl, another short girl; Ezio, a tall boy; and Kevin, a short boy.  Not surprising, all were brown classic tabbies and whites. Thank you, Bing, for all your hard work. You are an incredible mother and we will miss your children.

Tenth Litter, born March 12, 2020

Claude’s tenth litter was his first litter with our #1 Minuet LH in the world (2020), Supreme Grand Champion Blueskies Sydney Clawsby of Tiny Lions. It was her first litter altogether and we were excited to see what these two champions could produce. What an amazing assortment of kittens they gave us. The first was a tall chocolate lynx point girl, Penny–beautiful. The second was a tall red mackerel tabby and white boy, Milo. He was the lover of the crew. The third was a red classic tabby and white short boy, Tigger. The last kitten was a red silver shaded tabby tall boy, Henry. He is a stunning kitten and will make a remarkable cat. Congratulations to Sydney for taking the reins over from Bing.

Eleventh Litter, born August 18, 2020

Claude’s eleventh litter was his second litter with our #1 Minuet LH in the world (2020), Supreme Grand Champion Blueskies Sydney Clawsby of Tiny Lions. It was her second litter altogether and we were thrilled that the winning combination continued with this litter.  I was amazed that the four kittens born to the happy couple were different color combinations than their first litter.  However, we lost one kitten at around two and a half weeks old, leaving us only three beautiful babies.  And beautiful is a word that doesn’t do these kittens justice. The first is a chocolate silver shaded classic tabby with stunning blue eyes!!  She is a Minuet Tall girl and was named Evie. The second is a tall red silver shaded lynx point boy, Max, who went home with the same person who took Milo from Sydney’s first litter. The third is a darling torbie lynx point short girl, Maya. Congratulations to Sydney and Claude.

Twelfth Litter, born March 7, 2021

Claude’s twelfth litter came with some bittersweet results.  It was with Ellie (Gabrielle Landesclaw) who he hadn’t had a litter with in over a year.  But they produced 3 beautiful short babies.  Unfortunately, Ellie’s milk dried up very soon after delivery and we lost two of the babies in trying to hand raise them.  Only one, Peggy, a stunning chocolate and white mackerel tabby short girl, made it to her new home.  We are happy that we had a survivor.

Thirteenth Litter, born May 7, 2021

Claude’s thirteenth litter (eeek, not number 13) was born May 7, 2021, with mom Sydney.  They produced a singleton kitten (only one in the litter), a beautiful red point Minuet Tall boy.  Mochi had the opportunity to stay with us a little longer than normal, as his new mom was out of the country at the time, but she gave me permission to take him to a show.  Mochi was the first Minuet Tall to show in New Traits in TICA, an effort to start the process for Minuet Talls to be accepted into championship.  It will be a long, arduous road, with no guarantee that it will be successful, but with more Minuet Talls like Mochi showing, we stand the best chance to get in.

Fourteenth Litter, born October 13, 2022

Claude’s fourteenth litter was born October 13, 2021, with mom Sydney.  They produced two beautiful kittens, one of which I was hard pressed not to keep for myself. That one was a spectacular chocolate tortie and white short girl. She would have been my next show kitten–if I was looking for a girl to keep. But at the time, I didn’t know that I was going to lose Claude as a stud soon, so I let her go to a home. The other kitten was a lovely red tabby and white short boy. So beautiful.

Fifteenth Litter, born October 18, 2022

Claude’s fifteenth litter was born October 18, 2021, with mom Ellie.  They produced three darling kittens, two that looked exactly like mom. Those two were chocolate and white mackerel tabby girls, but one was short and the other was tall. The third was a chocolate and white bi-color tall boy. What a doll baby that boy was while he was with us.

Sixteenth Litter, born May 27, 2022

Claude’s sixteenth litter was born on May 27, 2022 and was the first time I started to worry that Claude was losing steam in producing babies. He had this litter with Ellie and she produced another singleton kitten, a lovely chocolate and white mackerel tabby tall girl.

Seventeenth Litter, born July 15, 2022

Claude’s seventeenth litter sealed my concern that he was losing steam. This litter, born July 15, 2022, was supposed to have two kittens. One was born perfectly but the second was stillborn and not properly formed. This caused me extreme distress about Claude’s ability to continue to breed and he was eventually retired as our first and only stud on September 7, 2022. But his last litter–his last kitten ever–was a stunning red and white classic tabby short boy with an incredible personality.  I will truly miss the kittens that Claude gave us, but we move on now with our second stud, Peter Fursberg.

Thank you, Claude, for your hard work and lovely kittens. You have earned your retirement living with a wonderful girl in Seattle. I am glad to be able to see you whenever I go out there.