Breeder of third generation Minuet and Minuet Tall cats, the pride of cat lovers, and the kings and queens of the cat world.

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Tiny Lions Napoleons Our Current Kittens

Last updated: 3/16/2025 10:33:24 AM


Anyone interested in our kittens must fill out a questionnaire that you can download here or speak to us in person, where we will go over all the issues on the questionnaire. (You may call to talk about our kittens.) We insist on knowing where our kittens will end up and approve of their new homes before they leave us. The questionnaire is designed specifically for the prospective pet parent to evaluate their home life before bringing a cat home. You can find the details of getting a kitten from us here.

If you have any questions about our kittens, don’t hesitate to reach us the following ways. If you call and we don’t answer, please leave a short message that you are inquiring about our cats. We will call you back as quickly as we can.


Home phone: (719)687-4484

Cell phone: (305)333-3186 (call or text)

Check back to see updates on our kittens and upcoming litters. We are especially proud of our cats and love to share pictures and stories about them.


It should be said that due to unfortunate encounters with people running a scam for brokers, we will be vetting any prospective pet parents very diligently. If you are interested in getting one of our kittens, be prepared to answer very specific questions to prove that you are not a broker.


A broker is someone who buys a kitten to resell for profit. They are not willing to give the kitten a loving home themselves, but will often sell to pet stores and people who cannot get a kitten from a reputable breeder for one reason or another.

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Tiny Lions Napoleons

Anyone interested in one of our kittens must fill out our Questionnaire/Application, or otherwise speak to me over the phone; at which time, we’ll go over the points on the questionnaire. We make a point of finding the best homes for our kittens, so it is not a first come/first serve basis. We feel our kittens are an extension of our family, so we put a lot of time and effort into finding great pet parents.

See kittens from previous litters to get an idea of what our current kittens will look like as they mature, in our Kitten Gallery.

March 16, 2025: We have decided to keep our little Cosette.  Still only 1.4 pounds at 3.5 months, we believe she is not only slow in physical development but mental development. She will be our special kitten for life

Meanwhile, Mattie has been in constant heat, so we will be breeding her at the beginning of April. Given that she is a chimera, we will not know if she is fertile until she proves to have kittens. We will be working with Dr. Shumack of Village Center Vet in Colorado Springs (Reproductive Vet) to monitor her progress..

Above, Cosette at her vet appointment, our special kitty from Lexie’ and Peter’s last litter. Something went wrong with her and her growth is stunted so she will stay with us forever.  She is so sweet and loving, who would not want to keep her.  Of course, and without a doubt, once she reaches 2 pounds, she will be spayed.